I want MOAR!
I want MOAR!
Pretty reasonable.
that was fairly reasonable. a good tutorial for beginers. while it doesn't show you how to do these things, it shows you what the finished product is like, and this can be a great help.
Thank you for the positive reinforcement. I'll be making other tutorials in the future following this layout. Hopefully people will enjoy those a bit more then they did this one (: (I might change it up a bit and show each frame of the animation rather then just showing the finished product)
keep going
I want a sequel! That was amazing!
ty, im working on one right now, or rather, storyboarding one
not bad.
The drawing was briliant. It was very short though and kinda... didn't make sense.
I'm sorry to hear about your health conditions. But now I know you're on DA, I'll keep an eye out! This looks amazing! I can't wait!
That poor disturbed child...
I liked it.
Lol. She killed her own pokemon!
Great advertising!
This would make a good advert for colourbond.
Had to laugh at the ending. Btw, what did he hit? I'm pretty sure that a sky diver (minus the parachute) wouldn't do that much damage.
Well done. fore some one with self admitted lack of artistic tallent (Which I think is NOT true) this is well made - though I do wish that there was a little more sound.
Age 32, Male
Joined on 7/31/08