Ahh! demented wabbafet (is that how you spell it?)!
kind of a strange ending though I have to admit. *raises eyebrow*
Ahh! demented wabbafet (is that how you spell it?)!
kind of a strange ending though I have to admit. *raises eyebrow*
This is not a wobbuffet. It's an ungodly abomination I created by combining a wobbuffet with the most twisted, perverted freak of the Clock Crew, Flounderman. I call it the Flounduffet. If you see it, don't even think of catching it. Run for your anal virginity. It shows no mercy.
If I recall correctly, psyduck aren't particularly bright. Some are even so stupid that they cannot swim (Interesting beind a duck, a water type none the less and not being able to swim. Go figure.) It would be interesting to see how you incorperate this (if you do).
As for the movie itself, great quality, nice use of shading. Good storyline too. Kinda had to laugh seeing psyduck get rejected over and over. Again, well done. I look forward to seeing more of your kwacky (wacky) humor.
A psyduck is a platipus, actually. There won't be swimming scenes in the next one, but Psyduck's naivety will still lead her to one big surprise. ;)
good, but...
Kinda confusing in places, and sometimes the text was unreadable due to the fact that half of it was out of the textbox. Also, you might want to watch out for spelling mistakes (Oh isn't spelt O after all). in some parts, the text also ran through so quickly that it became imposible to read mor than snaches of a sentence.
All in all, fairly good - it looks exciting! Sprites are a hard thing to animate, so I commend you on your effort.
that was great!
Thank you so much! I hope you have happy weekend.
I thought that this was a great first attempt. While the animation wasn't as smooth as it could be, it was still pretty well animated. I also liked the use of the music in this. I liked the ending too. Gives you the ability to think up your own ending.
the animation was great, the music choice was excelent. it made me sad when he killed her, then realised what he'd done. Make a sequel!
Not bad
Backgrounds were good. characters were very pixilated.
This is great. I loved the little bit at the end - open wound = trouble?
Age 32, Male
Joined on 7/31/08